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Written by Elliot Lines / August 23, 2022

The Heirs of the Dragon pulls you right back into the Game of Thrones world without a hiccup. Immediately we are treated to the sight of dragons flying, Kings Landing and the brutality that entails. The series opener manages to capture what fans loved about the original series and attempt to build upon the history of Westeros.

One thing Game of Thrones was well known for, was the nerve to take a wild swing right from the off, never afraid to take chances with its characters. This whole episode is built up to make you think one thing, and show the true colours of the characters we are about to embark on this journey with.

Daemon Targaryen (Matt Smith) is the stand-out here, building up what will surely be the shows villain. There seems to be a sweetness to his face, but there is a deeper darker man behind the looks that will surely be a menace throughout the show. Smith plays this character with passion, and you can tell he's going to have fun with the role, a role far away from his Doctor Who portrayal.

If The Heirs of the Dragon is anything to go by, the rest of this series will get the disappointed Game of Thrones fans back on side and has set the benchmark for the fantasy streaming wars that is about to begin.


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