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Written by Alex Gilston / September 24, 2022

Just as it seems like things are getting back on track Jennifer gets an impromptu wedding invite from one of her childhood friends asking if she wants to be a bridesmaid. 

Although the ending of episode five might have hinted towards the arrival of the hotly anticipated Daredevil, in a fourth wall break at the beginning of the episode Jennifer admits this is going to be a ‘self-contained wedding episode’ (Sorry Matt Murdock fans, your time is coming don’t worry). So Jennifer attends the wedding and debuts some of her new She-Hulk style. Something that is quickly batted down by the Bride, her friend, Lulu. Patti Harrison has a small role as Lulu but she makes her presence known. It’s sad that she hasn’t been considered for a bigger role in the MCU as people who have seen her in Together Together, or more recently The Lost City will know that she’s a major talent destined for bigger things. 

Back at the Super-Human Law Division, Mallory and Nikki take on the case of Craig Hollis, who prefers to be referred to as "Mr Immortal". Instead of amicably breaking up with his partner he would instead kill himself to get out of the situation, and he hadn’t just done this to one person. This part of the episode was actually more fun than the events of the wedding. As great as it is, it is taking away the focus from She-Hulk, and Jennifer Walters, who’s show it is meant to be. 

Jennifer and Titania go toe to toe once more at her friend's wedding in a clunkily choreographed fight scene. The fighting in She-Hulk between the people with super-powers is unapologetically comic book-like, but unfortunately that doesn’t always translate on screen.

Despite the latest detour She-Hulk still has an essence that none of the other MCU shows have. That is mainly down to Tatiana Maslany who elevates the show further than it has the right to. 


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