Moving into episode two of the most recent Disney Plus Marvel show, Falcon And The Winter Soldier takes no time in putting our two main cast members together, filling this episode with more big action scenes but keeping with the tone of the first episode.
Written by Elliot Lines
The first episode was clearly intending to build the foundations while giving Sam and Bucky an emotional story arc. We are on the hunt for the Flagsmashers, a group of super soldiers that don't happen to fall into Falcon's "big three". But there is something else to contend with aswell, the new Captain America.
John Walker (Wyatt Russell), is taking on the mantle of the "Star-spangled man" and throughout this episode you can see the battle he is going to face getting Sam and Bucky on his side, could it be a lost cause already? He's shown his credentials, it seems as though he can harness the shield, but is he worthy?
With Wandavision we had week on week of speculating, maybe thinking to far into it, but each week there were conversation upon conversation which made the weekly release exciting, Falcon And The Winter Soldier doesn't quite have the same feel. But with the end of this episode revealing a return of one villain we know of, and the more Marvel film style at play, this will no doubt be just as it was played up to be, "a six hour Marvel movie".