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Hanky Panky

Hanky Panky is the stupidly funny horror-comedy of the year. Co-director Nick describes the film as "puppets-and-blood murder-mystery about a napkin that gets off on cleaning up messes, basically Clue on acid." And honestly, that is spot on. Hanky Panky is wacky, wonderful, and at times completely bonkers.


The story surrounds a man called Sam and his talking napkin called Woody saving the world from an evil alien top-hat; learning how to love and be loved in the process. It is as silly as it sounds and offers some fun and enjoyable moments.



Hanky Panky is filmed in mostly one location, inside a cabin in the snowy mountains, making it the perfect place for antics and murder, and an obscure investigation. Three sets of couples and Sam join two weird siblings at their cabin for a romantic weekend, which turns into a witch hunt when one is murdered in cold blood.

This had me laughing through-out with its cheesy acting that wasn't bad or over-played. The characters of Cliff and Carla are hilarious. Both actors have excellent chemistry, and brought so much into their scenes. Then there’s the creepy brother and sister who touch tongues whose motives are questionable, and might make you physically cringe.

The napkin is so obvious in how it’s portrayed and is hilariously ridiculous. It’s creepy, robotic voice aids in its absurdity, especially as Woody is used as a napkin by Sam, and rather enjoys it.

There is a slowly developing plot, and at times is predictable, but you can’t predict how the characters are going to react which makes this film a lot of fun. After the first person is killed it’s only a matter of time until the hat strikes again, and you’ll wonder who will be the last man standing. (I mean it’s pretty obvious it’s going to be Sam and Woody, but you never know).

Hanky Panky

Amongst the stupidity and silliness there are underlying themes of relationships, friendships, love, anxiety and identity. This is done through some non-traditional therapy sessions (on drugs), and of course, the talking napkin. I loved the line “she was really great at being an unemployed actress” when Cliff talks about how Carla has changed since leaving her musical theatre career for a corporate job, and why this has affected their marriage.

As the film progresses the neighbour turns out to be a secret agent, who deals with aliens, and the top-hat is an evil alien trying to kill people. When she tells the gang this, the hat eats her head and kills her. Who can stop this evil alien hat? Our sweet Sam of course.

With an unpredictable ending, some rather strange twists and accents, it ties everything up nicely and I was left feeling overstimulated and fulfilled.

Hanky Panky is co-directed by Nick Roth and his wife Lindsey Haun, and will be available to watch on Apple, Google, Vudu and Amazon from April 20th. (420 - how fitting) The film has a runtime of 86 minutes, 4 of which is a fight scene between a napkin and a hat. It is well worth the watch.


Rating Hanky Panky



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