Written by Elliot Lines
After the success of The Mandalorian, and with the addition of Boba Fett's return in the previous season, his own series was inevitable. The Book of Boba Fett struggled to get going from the start, something was off about the character and it wasn't until the "mid-season fillers", that this series really got interesting.
The Book of Boba Fett follows the well known bounty hunters journey after the events of The Mandalorian. His journey to take over the role Jabba the Hutt played on Mos Espa, is the main focus but the series is peppered throughout with flashbacks of the aftermath of the Jabba's sail barge, where it was believed Fett had died in the Sarlacc pit.
The titular character has been a fan favourite for a long time, since his first appearance in Empire Strikes Back over 40 years ago. To dive into this character more is something that many Star Wars fans have wanted, but The Book of Boba Fett didn't quite scratch the itch. There was something off about the character, unfortunately this stemmed from Temuera Morrison unmasked portrayal. He didn't feel like he commanded the screen the way in which someone of Boba Fett's stature should. With the mask he was menacing and ever present, without dull and extremely background.
There were some interesting characters that we go introduced to, some better than others. It was good as a fan to see more of Fennec Shand, and the introduction to Black Krrsantan was great to see, a character we could've seen more of personally. The return of a certain bounty hunter in live action was epic, Cad Bane is a huge favourite from the Clone Wars and here his dark nature truly comes through. One set of characters that didn't quite work, Cyborg street gang. Now anyone that has seen this knows exactly what the quarms are here, a set of teens riding around on "Power Ranger" vespas just went against the Tatooine setting entirely.
There are moments in The Book of Boba Fett that weren't all bad. Seeing a deeper insight into the Tusken Raider way of life was interesting, as the only other moments they get like this is from Attack of the Clones. There is also a big return for the Rancor, and this was like nothing ever seen in Star Wars so far, I will say no more.
However, where this series ramped up was with the return of Mando. Right in the middle of the series we got a couple of episodes that were clearly focused on setting up the next story in The Mandalorian universe. An interesting choice, but they know what fans want. It's clear to see that the Skywalker saga still looms over the Star Wars universe, but seeing Luke on the screen once again was a welcome sight, and this time it was well executed.
The Book of Boba Fett had it's moments, but it wasn't until the two Mandalorian episodes that this became interesting. Either that says something about the character or the focus of Disney themselves going forward. However, the series was filled with plenty of Star Wars references any fan can dig their teeth into and a big finale that brings all these characters together.