'Cold Wallet' Review: Good But More Development and This Could've Been Great
- Aug 26
'Ladybug' Review: A Ghost Story With a Difference
- Aug 26
'Members Club' Review: Unique Premise That's More Comedy Than Horror
- Aug 25
'Saint Clare' Review: Could've Been a Home Run But Tackles Too Many Ideas
- Aug 25
'Azrael' Review: Samara Weaving Carries This Horror On Her Shoulders
- Aug 24
'Video Vision' Review: Fun Retro-tech Aspects But Fumbles On Its Message
- Aug 24
'Traumatika' Review: Bold, Thought-Provoking and Certainly Leaves a Mark
- Aug 24
'Strange Darling' Review: Consistently Subverting Expectations That Come With a Serial Killer Thriller
- Aug 24
'Dead Mail' Review: A Unique Horror in an 80's Time Capsule
- Aug 24
'In the Name of God' Review: A Slow Start Saved By Engaging Twists and Turns
- Aug 24
'From Darkness' Review: Forgettable Mystery Thriller Turned Relationship Drama
- Aug 24
'The Last Voyage of the Demeter' Review: Has All the Ingredients For a Memorable Gothic-Horror
- Aug 23
'The Last Podcast' Review: Unique Idea But Doesn't Quite Stick the Landing
- Aug 23
'Bookworm' Review: Elijah Wood and Nell Fisher Form Wonderful Bond In This Fun Adventure
- Aug 23
'Happy Halloween' Review: Predictable Sub-Par Halloween Teen Slasher
- Aug 23
'The Invisible Raptor' Review: Hilariously Dumb, Downright Batshit...But It's Great
- Aug 22
'I Will Never Leave You Alone' Review: May Be One of the Most Memorable Horrors This Year
- Aug 22
'Test Screening' Review: Fun Horror That Doesn't Take Advantage Of Unique Premise
- Aug 22
'Broken Bird' Review: Deserves To Be On Every Horror Fans Radar