By Jack Ransom June 10, 2024

New Life is one of those frustrating features that the majority of its ideas are better than execution. With an expected big finale reveal that, ultimately, is a riff on a certain popular video game turned critically acclaimed TV series (I’ll let you try and guess) and undercooked character-work that makes the poignant/intense moments less impactful, this is one where you have seen the ideas executed better before.
New Life sees a mysterious woman (Hayley Erin) on the run, and the resourceful fixer (Sonya Walger) assigned to bring her in. Their two unique stories inextricably link, as the stakes of the pursuit rise to apocalyptic proportions.
New Life isn't without merit or un-watchable, far from it. The intertwining stories can be a little clunky (the editing certainly could have been sharper) and whilst the 84 minute duration passes by swiftly enough, it does neuter the context to what’s going on behind the scenes as well as the character situations. The incorporation of Elsa’s (Walger) ALS diagnosis and how she fights her way through it and Jessica’s (Erin) constant paranoia and distrust do spark interest and keep the slower first half engaging.
There is some genuinely superb make up work on display here - victims riddled with infectious pulsating black blobs and choking, screaming through blood and suitably spluttery gore work. There are a handful of intense scenes in the final third and whilst the lower budget is certainly noticeable (I do quite like how small scale the film feels despite the potentially huge stakes), there are some nice landscape exterior shots and framing.

Hayley Erin provides a suitably frantic, suspicious, exhausted yet somewhat hopeful lead protagonist, Jessica and Sonya Walger’s embittered, suffering and relentless fixer Elsa matches the engagement. There are minimal supporting players here that get anywhere near the focus of the aforementioned lead roles.
Overall, New Life is a mediocre quick viewing that has some interesting ideas and attempts a unique presentation of them, but ultimately suffers due to its short runtime and undercooked screenplay. The practical splatter work is genuinely great and the performances are committed.
Star Rating

New Life is now available on digital platforms